Rheumatic is a disease that is known as the pain in joints, muscles or bones. Another opinion says that rheumatic diseases is actually uric acid disease that will cause the joints become swollen and hurts when increased levels of uric acid in the blood. The prohibition of bathing at night often made, because it is considered as the cause of rheumatic diseases. Then what exactly is the cause of rheumatic diseases?
- Joint Inflammation
Usually young people experienced even in children. The joints are inflamed and swollen and become stiff in the morning. Symptoms like this can be more than 1 hour. Required supervision and handling of the physicians appropriately, because of an incorrect treatment can cause severe joint pain can even cause defects in the sufferer.
- LimingorOsteoarthritis
The disease is caused due to thinning of the cartilage in the joints. As a result the bones that form the joint are not covered well and while moving can cause bone collided.
- PorousbonesorOsteoporosis
Ordinary parents attacking osteoporosis because mostly caused because of the age factor and the metabolism of the body. Osteoporosis is a situation where the density and bone mass decreases.
Bone is a dynamic organ, which is in the process of destruction and periodically for updates. The process of destruction of the bone is called the resorpsi and carried out by cells of bone osteoclasts. While the update process called bone formation and bone cells conducted by osteoblasts.
In the normal process, the process of destruction (resorpsi) and updates (formation) of the bone takes place in a balanced way so there happen reduction in bone mass. If there is a resorpsi process more often than the process of formation, this results in a deficit of bone mass and lead to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis can also be caused due to the use of drugs or certain diseases.