Hair that is fast turning silvery colored is not only caused by genetic factors. A number of nutritional deficiencies also triggers Your black hair started changing colors prematurely.
As prevention efforts, took foods containing certain vitamins and minerals will make your hair stay lustrous black.
Here are the foods that make hair remain free from the black and white hair :
- Green vegetables
Dark green vegetables, take to get vitamin b. scalp depends on vitamin B-6 and vitamin B-12 to produce red blood cells that carries oxygen and nutrients to the hair. Hair color also there dependent hormone with vitamin B-2 is an important component in the production of hormones.
- Chocolate
Copper is a mineral essential to the production of melanin (the pigment in the hair color). With a shortage of copper will make hair become grey. Chocolate is a food rich in copper. Other sources of copper include several types of nuts and mushrooms.
- Salmon
Salmon is often touted to have many health benefits so it is not surprising if food is also beneficial for hair. Selenium is found in salmon helps regulate the production of important hormones to make hair long and healthy.
- Strawberry
Strawberries are a source of vitamin C that function help collagen production (found in hair follicles) and fight the free radicals that are associated with the aging process. In addition to vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin E is also important for healthy hair growth.
- Almond
Almond is the nuts are rich in vitamin E and copper. In addition to good for hair, almond also help lower the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood